Saturday, May 4, 2013


Huzzah!!!!  First post on the blog!  [Insert fireworks and enthusiastic applause here].  Well, I'm officially leaving for Paris.  The city of love...the city of lights...the city of chocolate croissants.

I will be on a study abroad program in the city for a grand total of six weeks and I plan on making the most of every moment!  I'm so excited for this opportunity.  To be honest, I'm also a little on the terrified side.  But, c'est la vie.  I'm just ready for an adventure!

This pretty much sums up my life right now:

I'll update this blog as often as possible.  Brace yourself I come!!!


  1. Hi my beautiful Parisian grandaughter. Loved your profile..esp long walks to refrigerator...just like Grammy. I remember a week in Paris..I walked the streets (looking skyward when I encountered lovers along the riverbanks) the Louve (sp?), sat in little cafe's, loved church on Sunday, and was thoroughly fascinated by Parisians. Now youse wonna dem! Your Mom is my beloved daughter and friend...we had a grand day together after your plane whisked you away to this adventure. xoxoxo Grammy

    1. Thanks so much Grammy!!!! I'm loving it here! And I'm so glad you got to spend some time with my mom! I hope everything's getting worked out. Love you lots!!!
